Microsoft Dynamics RMS does not have a functionality where branch/store stock requests can be centrally placed and reviewed by the supply chain managers before approval of movement of stocks from HQ. Our consultants have combined new technologies, proven methodologies and broad-based business knowledge to develop a web based portal that enables branches to place Orders to HQ, get approval from Branch or HQ store Managers and organize the Picking Process.


The Stores Management Add-on for RMS is a web-based portal for Microsoft Dynamics RMS users developed by Impax. The module automates the process of Branch to HQ store Requests, manage approvals and consolidating the Purchase Order approval and sending to Supplier Process. It helps automate everyday business processes and improve operations.



It is time to change your disparate and often disconnected system to an integrated, single-platform, end-to-end solution. As Impax we deliver  seamless, real-time and single channel experience that retailers need.